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i thought this game requires u to think...but it doesn't
How does this game not require you to think?
i love him ^.^
lols this game hasnt even loaded so i cant be bothered playing it..
will not load
i cant even get to level 2
Level 28 is hard
yup I gotten that far
this game is ridiculous.
how did you guys beat 23?
how do you beat level 19
im a beast at this game. i can get to level 15
u cant handle me u S.O.B
ur but u cant get pass level 5
this game is cool...da_zhisnit
if this is the worlds hardest game that is sad because i never play games and i can get to level 11..
um, lv30... is for chumps suckers
iv died 121
Haha 1st time playin beat it in 6 minutes died 9 times!! too easy!!
how do you beat level 22.
uuhu,im tha man.
but seriously, how do you beat it
5 minuutes with no deaths? yeah right. ur just mad cuz u can't beat level 1.
...thats right, i went there
wow!!! i love this game but i think it should have a password thing coz ive got to lvl 6 and its like 11:00 and im goin bed so ill find myself completely forgettin bout this game becoz ill no ill have to do all the lvls agen lol soo if anyone nos of a way to get a password or you no the person that made this game is reading this maybe youcould like do a no 2 or somethin but put in a password thing coz trust me more people will keep on playin!!!
what the hell did that just say
anyway fun game
russ iz butt. u cant beat lev 2
how do u beat lev 23
HAHA i got to level 21 in class and 41 deaths MUAHAHA ... Danny
HAHA i beat evry level with 45 deaths MUAHAHAHA...whoevr u are
i like this game but i cant beat lvl 9 on my own i always have to have someone else do it or me. any help anyone???
I got to lvl 23 with 1 death!!!!! o good...for the best!
ok...what the bloody hell's wrong with u ppl? ok, sure, it's a cool game but hello u're actually bragging to some strangers on the net who's done it better. 4 real - grow up.
ok. so what if ppl want to brag about who is better at the game. the only reason u play is to do well on it so obviously ur gonna talk about how far in the game u get. geez leave ppl alone they can do watevr they want. sheesh.
^^^i agree with that person. if ppl think they're good at the damn game let em brag!
OMG!!!!!!!!! This game is so intence and im frustrated omg it sucks but im stuck in the game i cant stp with out at east advancing one level
tsao ni mah
omg i have been playing this game 4 so long iv gotten carpol tunnel syndrome. oh well..... im addicted
yo i cant even figure out how 2 move! i suck! :P
yo i cant even figure out how 2 move! i suck! :P
jacob valdez is my bestie!!!!
who the hell is jacob valdez?
Who ever said you can do it in 5 minutes and not dying once. Thats litterally impossible because that means you do each level in 6 seconds which is thearetically impossible. So if your going to lie about it atleast put a believeable time on it!!!
This time I only died 102 times! Whoo! I rock! I got to level 7!:0)*
level 12 is a biotch
i beat the game suckers :b
brap brap brap, i beat da system dude, yar me of all ppl. i need to give maself a reward... level 28 is easier than level 1 lol
yeeeeeaaaahhh, wuts really good witcha, dis be Yo-jeezy H baby.
this game is bree bree bree. ya know. i cant get pass level 1,000,000,000. its crazy, top dat lil niggas.
yo-jeezy baby
i got to level 23 with 86 deaths, i don't know how to beat it though.......HELP!
well i cant get past level 2 can somebody please give me some tactics or something plzzzzzzzzzz !!! xxxxxxxxx
This game is really hard but once u get the hang of it it's really easy to beat level 30 with 0 deaths!
this game is so hard....but its so addicting. I cant stop playing it. the highest level ive gotten to is 14
this game is so hard....but its so addicting. I cant stop playing it. the highest level ive gotten to is 14
it took over 20 minutes just to get the ****** game to come up!!!!!!!
how can iam turn OFF the music
I am on level 10, you are going to think i am like, 3, but it is SO HARD!!!!! and to the person on the top of the page, this game does require u to think, so there, and i love the math wizz who figured out the 6 sec. thing!!!
I am on level 10, you are going to think i am like, 3, but it is SO HARD!!!!! and to the person on the top of the page, this game does require u to think, so there, and i love the math wizz who figured out the 6 sec. thing!!!
pretty please.............with sugar on top..............and whipped cream............ and chocolate..................................................................................................
Godanm i'mplaying this game with my GF and she keeps laughing at me when i die!
Would help if the game loaded
this game is too hard i can't even beat level one haha lmfao
finished all levels with zeroi deaths yes i love this game
i was getting to level 29 in 3 hours but this game really is impossible
i get so far without cheats
there are cheats but i doesn't now them
OKAY SO. THIS GAME IS FREAKIN ADDICITING, BUT I GOT TO LEVEL 13. shout out to mr b's hr, introducing me to this shit =)haha well yeah the musics AWESOME im lovin it. oh im telling u if u go through the middle on every level IT WORKS. sersoiuly im like god.. listen to me.PEACE
i love pie..... this game is cheap i hate lev. 30 yah i got that far. :)
i freakin hate this game but i cant stop playing it
ohh wow im on level 23 with 1001 deaths and i cant beat it i have been watching it on youtube though just to get an idea of how to beat it i cant stop playing it! it has taken over my life!!
I fail at level 18...
how can you beat lvl 8? i cldnt beat it =[ help me
you are all sad as fawk, get lives...
i can finish this game within 20 minutes and under 100 deaths its easy yawn....
This game is well easy completed it with only 42 deaths u lot are ameateur
hiyaa guys...
i have recently completed the game and all my friends constantly ask how... it took me long enough but it is easy when you figure out how...
the end is dissopointing because it just asks you to put youre name in for the high score board to see if you are in the top 10...
i think it should tell you well done seeing as you waste so much time on it...
anyway it gave me something to do for a couple of days...
anyone got another good game i can go on...
and the impossible quiz is another good game...
type in on google the impossible quiz... it is a random game which is very addictive ...
thanks jess
the bloody thing dosnt load!!!
finally got to level 23. it sucks.
man this is a very hard game...
I know you can say its easy but i really cant pass level 30, all the levels have a way to pass them, what is the technique for level 30 pleaseeeeee
this game is soooooo hard i cant get passed level 2!!! :p
Lol. This took me about a total of 19 completes of the game. Over 2000 Trys of trying on level 23 to sort it to perfect.
And in the end 56 Deaths to complete the game.
I love this game! :D
Anybody who says they beat the game with 0 deaths is full of shit, let alone calling it easy. I realize people will get the hang of it and do much better, but 0 deaths would be impossible, and I won't believe anybody who says they've done it until I see a video of it on youtube or something
I beat Worlds Hardest Game 1 and 2 I'm the champ and nobody can beat me. I wish they would make a 3rd one and i will beat that one tooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!
No child under 4 can complete level 1 but me, anyway, I am 7.
i agree with december 9th, wasting your pathetic lives away on a game, have fun
this game is fun :D (got to level 19)
OMG! Love this game! How do you do level 8? Anyone?
i cant get past lvl 7
this is stupid i cant get passed level 8 :}
i got to level 26 damm its hard
How can I pass the forth level.
It's really difficult
But it's interesting :)
aaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!! i cant pass level 10 aaaaa i hate this game
Saying you hate this game will defenitly won't help you win, you should try be more peciente and then you could try and learn to improve your skills.
If there is one things that define noob for me is to quit because it's "too hard"
True gamers just seek for those game that make them play for hours.
You should learn to enjoy the learning and not getting angry since you almost did it or somthing
Good luck to everyone!!
Level 8: Go down, each time the ball circles go one step above its upward passage, making you untouchable by it, making it all the way down, and back up. Now, go to the left, hiding from the center ball, and quickly running into the top yellow ball, and back into the middles safety, and as quickly as possible running into your left green checkpoint. Get the bottom yellow ball, and retreat into safety.
I can't get past level 10! Aaargh. I can do all the other levels with 1 death (level 3 annoys me, but I can do it).
this is a great game... I get to the 10th level, and nothing else...if you 're looking for cheats you can find them here :
Worlds Hardest Game
level 21 is annoying... :////
i agree with MVP..i mean i play this & got to level 10 but its not that big of a deal. if all you do is play this you are definantly NOT the man. you are a computer nerd.
oh yea-i only died 13 times getting to level 10..forgot to add that.
How do you pass level 2?? i can't seem to grasp this game so quickly
like other people!!
How do all get through level 2?
I FINALLY BEAT THE GAME TODAY AND I ONLY HAD 958 DEATHS! But i have no idea where that would be on the leaderboard because of the friken HACKERS!
Worlds Hardest Game at
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